How COVID-19 is Affecting Personal Injury Cases in Florida

Personal injuries happen frequently, and they usually occur when you least expect them. Unfortunately, the COVID-19 pandemic places the world in an unpredictable state of existence. What can you do to help with your case? Whether you’ve already filed your personal injury lawsuit or you just had an accidental fall or motor vehicle crash, you …

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Tips to Help Prevent Auto Accidents in Construction Work Zones

Construction work zones are a necessary travel complication if we are to build and maintain safe roads. Summer is prime time for road construction and repairs. Even with proper warning signs to direct traffic flow, road construction work zones are a safety hazard for workers and travelers alike. The men and women who make a …

Read more Tips to Help Prevent Auto Accidents in Construction Work Zones

Can Drone Manufacturers Be Held Responsible For Injury?

Over forty states have approved drone laws, as have major cities such as Miami, Chicago, or Los Angeles. While drones may not fly as high as airplanes or other aircraft, they are still an aircraft product and face Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) regulations. They also are subject to accidents and issues that could cause you …

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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

During the current uncertainty regarding travel and gathering in groups, we’would like to assure you that Robes Law Group has taken measures for your comfort and safety. As always, we continue to keep our offices scrupulously clean and have plenty of hand sanitizer available. We have urged all potential visitors not to come into our …

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Cloudy Weather Causes Increased Car Accidents

Cloudy conditions are the No. 1 cause of fatal collisions, according to data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). Cloudy weather contributed to nearly 5,000 fatal accidents in the U.S. in a recent year. Cloudy skies can make driving more dangerous because it decreases visibility. Cloudy skies make it harder to see potholes, …

Read more Cloudy Weather Causes Increased Car Accidents

Marijuana Use Impairs Driving Even After the High Is Gone

A new study from a Harvard Medical School hospital has found that recreational cannabis use impacts an individual’s driving ability, even when the individual is not high from marijuana. The dangerous behaviors of non-intoxicated drivers documented in the study included drivers exceeding the speed limit, blowing through red lights and crossing the centerline of roads. …

Read more Marijuana Use Impairs Driving Even After the High Is Gone

Regular User of Driver-Assistance Technology Found to Increase Distracted Driving

New research released from AAA has found that drivers who regularly utilize driver assistance technology while behind the wheel are much more likely to become distracted. While these safety systems are intended to keep drivers safe and assist them in the operation of their vehicles, people tend to become too reliant on them thus leading …

Read more Regular User of Driver-Assistance Technology Found to Increase Distracted Driving