Survey Shows Distracted Driving is a Problem for Millennials and Baby Boomers

Millennials often get a bad rap when it comes to distracted driving. But, a recent Liberty Mutual Insurance survey shows that Baby Boomers don’t have the high ground on that issue either. The survey of course showed that millennials are the age group most likely to admit they have used a phone while driving, at 86%. Gen X was next at 72%.
What the Study Showed
Almost half of the Baby Boomer generation (49%) admitted that they participate in distracted driving as well. The survey also showed that when the phone does ring or if a notification pops up, Baby Boomers are much less likely to ask a passenger to handle the call or text – at 14% for Baby Boomers versus 26% for millennials.
Researchers said the study shows that cell phones could tempt drivers of any age group. Statistics show that just by glancing away from the road for only 1.6 seconds is more than enough time to miss something and get involved in a crash. To reduce the risk of distracted driving, Liberty Mutual recommends turning your phone to “do not disturb” mode while driving or even putting the phone out of sight to avoid temptation.
Why Distracted Driving is So Dangerous
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), distracted driving contributed to 3,166 traffic accident deaths in 2017. Distracted driving is caused by any type of activity that takes the driver’s eyes off the road, hands off the wheel or attention away from the task of driving. All types of distracted driving increase your risk of a crash. Distractions could happen even when you are using your cell phone hands-free, eating, drinking, reading a map or talking to a passenger.
Many believe that hands-free phones are safer than handheld phones. Numerous research studies, however, conclude that hands-free cell phones do not offer significant safety benefits over handheld phones. Also hands-free phones are not risk-free. Some states and cities have laws that ban drivers from using handheld phones but allow hands-free use, which further confuses the issue. Drivers should not use a cell phone, whether it’s handheld or hands-free while driving.
If you or a loved one has been injured by a distracted driver, you may be able to seek compensation for your injuries, damages and losses. An experienced car accident lawyer will be able to remain on your side, fight for your rights and help you seek maximum compensation for your losses. Call Robes Law Group now for a free consultation (561) 570-5700.
The information contained in this blog is merely for informational purposes and is not intended as legal advice.