Tips to Help You Have a Safe and Happy Easter Holiday

Did you know that Easter weekend is in the top five deadliest holiday weekends for drivers? As many as 280 fatal accidents occur every year on this holiday weekend, making it a very dangerous time for traveling on the road. Expect a lot of people to be out and about – and also a rise in the occurrence of accidents resulting in the need for a good South Florida personal injury attorney.
But as much as it is safer to stay indoors, Easter offers plenty of fun activities that are hard to resist. This year, there are more than 20 egg hunts in Palm Beach County alone. Do not become a statistic. Here are some helpful tips that can keep you safe this coming Easter.
Plan Your Trip Ahead of Time
Technology is on your side, so there is no excuse for failing to plan. Look up your destination on your favorite navigation app, use virtual maps to pick the best route, and check the local news for info on any road closures. Also, allot ample time for your travel so you will not feel the need to rush while driving. Accidents are more likely to occur when excess speed is a factor.
Ensure Your Vehicle is Roadworthy
Ensure that your lights, tires, brakes, wipers, indicators, exhaust pipes and other important parts of your vehicle are not just working, but working well. Change the oil if necessary, and fill up the gas tank.
Keep Your Children Entertained
Traveling is already challenging as it is, but even more so if you have kids in tow. To make sure your attention always stays on the road, see to it that you have the necessary stuff to keep your kids’ attention engaged. In short, distract them so that they cannot distract you. Pack snacks they like, gadgets they use – but also set rules they should follow. To get better results, motivate them with incentive for good behavior instead of scaring them with punishment for bad behavior
Drive Defensively at All Times
You do not know who else is on the road with you, so it is best to assume that you are with the worst company. And on Easter weekend, this assumption may ring more true than ever. It is a fact that there are more drunk, tired, or stressed drivers during holiday weekends than any other times of the year. To protect yourself, drive defensively. This means you should follow traffic laws, yield to hotheaded drivers, put away distractions, just to name a few.
These tips should increase your chances of arriving safely to your destination, but we all know accidents can still happen anytime. If you get in an accident caused by someone else’s negligence, get the medical help you need, then contact us at Robes Law Group. Not only do we have the most passionate attorneys in South Florida, but we also offer free consultations. Call us at (561) 570-5700 or use the button below to schedule a free case evaluation.
The information contained in this blog is merely for informational purposes and is not intended as legal advice.