Beware of These Common New Year Injuries

New Year’s Eve is a time for celebration with friends and family. Unfortunately, it is also a time when there is an increase in personal injury. Some of the common causes of auto accidents are discussed below.
Drunk Driving is a Serious Problem
For many, drinking is a part of ringing in the New Year. In addition to the common champagne toasts at midnight, many indulge themselves with libations throughout the night, whether at large-scale or smaller, more intimate parties. By the time celebrations have ended, many have consumed a lot of alcohol and are beyond the legal limit. Still, this does not stop individuals from deciding to get behind the wheel and drive to another destination, whether home or another party.
Drunk driving is very dangerous. According to the U.S. National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), approximately 40% of traffic-related deaths during Christmas and New Year’s involve drunk drivers. While New Year’s Eve is not the most dangerous driving day, statistics point to New Year’s Day being more dangerous for drunk driving. This is because many individuals find themselves intoxicated and make the decision to drive home after midnight celebrations after it has already become January 1st. In addition to death, many victims of drunk driving accidents are at risk for serious, lasting injuries.
People can be Affected by Over Intoxication
Again, drinking alcohol is important for many when celebrating the New Year. As the party continues, it becomes more and more common for party-goers to consume more alcohol. Though many are likely to drink alcohol without issue, some will push the limits. Individuals who become overly intoxicated can suffer health complications caused by a high blood alcohol content. In some cases, individuals can suffer irregular breathing, violent vomiting, or physical injury caused by an individual’s inability to think, stand, or sit. Over intoxication can also cause individuals to become comatose or even die from poisoning.
A Party’s Premises Can Cause Injuries
Party-goers attend bars or house parties to ring in the New Year. Like any other day of the year, individuals expect that the location which they attend will be safe. Sometimes, those locations are not safe and attendees can be injured as a result of some unsafe condition. Some common examples of unsafe conditions include:
- Crowds beyond what is reasonable or permitted by law
- Accumulation of rain, ice, or snow
- Decorations that can create an obstacle
- Defective staircases, elevators, or escalator
- Wet, oily, or soiled floors
- Inadequate building security
In unsafe conditions, people are at risk of injuries that could easily be avoided. When combined with the consumption of alcohol, unsafe conditions can become more dangerous than normal. It is important that party hosts understand that these avoidable, unsafe conditions can be remedied and either injury or death avoided.
Defective Products Raise Issues of Products Liability
New Year’s Eve celebrations often include the use of elaborate decorations, flashy electronics, and enjoyable food. Products that do not work as intended may also create the risk of causing injuries. Defective products can lead to physical and emotional injuries to guests. If a product causes injuries to another due to a defect, individuals may be able to receive compensation from the negligent manufacturers.
Proximity to Dangerous Activities
Some individuals take to celebrating the start of the New Year with a bang. Literally. People take to the streets to celebrate setting off fireworks or, in some cases, shooting off guns. These actions are not only against the law but also put individuals at risk of injury caused by projectiles and bullets. In addition to personal injury, participation in similar dangerous activities can cause property damage.
The New Year should be a cause for celebration. Still, if you suffer injuries as a result of another’s carelessness or negligence, you should be able to receive compensation for any losses suffered. Here at Robes Law Group we will thoroughly investigate your case to identify any possible theory of liability under which you can recover. Our team will fight for your rights and bring forth the appropriate claims in order to ensure you receive nothing less than the compensation you deserve. Call us today at (561) 570-5700 or click on the button below to schedule a free consultation.